
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Flies That Have Worked For Me On The Blue

Thought I would take a bit and think back to flies that have worked well for me on the Blue River. Located in SE Oklahoma near Tishomingo, the river is a natural beauty. Trout season on the Blue runs from November through April. Although stockers are the mainstay catch of the day, I have seen some large trout taken out of there and many speculate that some of these "Squatters" make it through the warm water summer months down in a deep pool.

Well, what has worked for me at the Blue? Just about everything at one time or another,and nothing on done days?

Bead-Head Woolly Bugger: 10 & 12, Olive has produce,but black is almost a sure thing.
I drop these in the plunge pools below the various water falls and just let them dance.

Bead-Head, Gold-Ribbed Hare's Ear: 14,16 and at times 18.
Let these dead drift along the sides of submerged timber and they are almost like trout candy.

Bead-Head Prince: 14,16
An everyday attractor that has consistently produced for me, have even pulled a few small largemouth bass on these as well.

Elk Hair Caddis: 18-22, Tan and Brown
Although these can be tough to throw at times due to the winds sweeping down the plains, they have done well and pulled rises when you get a solid dead drift. Good in the riffles downstream from water falls and some of the more shallow backwater pools.

Brassie: 20,used as a dropper behind Hare's Ear & Prince
When all else fails I have been able to entice some action by adding a dropper.

Probably have used many more but these stand out as the most reliable patterns that have delivered for me on the Blue.

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