
Monday, November 14, 2011

First Trout

Who remember's their first trout?  Or their first bass, catfish, redfish, perch, etc.   I remember back around 2000/2001 reading a lot about fly fishing and thinking how weird it would be for a dusty oklahoman to want to learn to fly fish.   Anyway I bought a couple of magazines and books on the subject, studied up a bit and acquired some gear.  I bought a lot of my gear online from Yager's flies and they were great answering all of my questions.  With all my new gear, a trout stamp (they were required back then) and a map downloaded off the internet, I set off one morning, headed to the Blue River to cut my teeth on some stocker trout with my new fly gear.

The day was chilly but not freezing, and there was some wind (always is here) but wasn't bad as I remember.  I wasted a bit of time fishing a few areas that looked great to a newbie like me, but had little luck.  I remember tying on a bead-head prince nymph and looking at a little depression in the stream where there was an eddy and it was under a dead branch overhang.  I thought that may be a good place to cast.  There was also a bunch of line and numerous flies all twisted around the branch hanging over the water so it was apparent that at least some others thought it was worth a shot as well.

Bingo! barely a breath as the prince sank and there was a tug on the line, a gentle lift of the rod and the little guy was hooked.  He was no lunker, in fact I remember thinking that that is one of the smallest fish I had ever caught, however the fight that he put up and the excitement of that first trout were incredible.  once he was landed i made sure my hands were wet and held him while i snapped a quick pic and then slid him back in the water where i saw him swim away in a flash.....

I think I may have caught him later that same season :)

Thanks Little Buddy, great memories

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